Thomas R. Brown University of Arizona Endowments
Director, BIO5 Institute
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Biosystems Engineering
Professor, Optical Sciences
Professor, Medical Imaging
Professor, BIO5 Institute
Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Management Information Systems
Regents Professor
Professor, BIO5 Institute
Thomas R. Brown Chair in Management and Technology
Vice President of Global Environmental Futures
Director, Biosphere 2
Professor of Geosciences
Thomas R. Brown Chair
Professor, Department of Geosciences
Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in Integrative Science
Distinguished Professor, Biogeochemical Dynamics
Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in Integrative Science
Professor of Optical Sciences
Thomas R. Brown Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Former Thomas R. Brown Endowed Chairs and Professors, University of Arizona
Linda Powers, PhD, College of Engineering, University of Arizona, Thomas R. Brown Chair in Bioengineering
G. Dirk Mateer, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Eller College of Management, Gerald J. Swanson Chair in Economics Education
Gerald J. Swanson, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Eller College of Management, Thomas R. Brown Chair in Economics Education
Peter Smith, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in Integrative Science
Jonathan Overpeck, PhD, Director, Institute of the Environment, Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Professor of Science
Amar Gupta, PhD, Eller College of Management, Thomas R. Brown Professor of Management and Technology
Price Fishback, PhD, Eller College of Management, Thomas R. Brown Professor of Economics